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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

BlogIdeas icon
Note your ideas for future posts in your blog
Open Skipper icon
Integrate all data from boat instruments
AM-Notebook icon
Take notes and create events in this calendar
NameGenerator icon
Create thousands of different names in a snap
Holy Services icon
Calendar-like planning of holy services
Cloud Pad icon
Create virtual reminder notes
esyPlanner icon
Plan your working day and create reminder notes
RequestCommander icon
Tag problems and view user requests
Calme icon
Create your own customized calendars
Alert Calendar icon
Use this virtual calendar and don't forget any appointment
TurboNote+ icon
Excellent note manager with extra features
Garmin Voice Studio icon
Add your own voice to your GPS
Recipe Holder icon
Time for cooking, catalogue your recipes
AVCataloger icon
Have all your collections in order
Beard Pau-er icon
Get the Beard Pau-er wearing Pau Gasol’s beard
SMS Yahoo icon
Send free SMS worldwide from you desktop
iTunes Multialarm icon
Wake up with your favourite music
MobilePhoto icon
Personalize your photos, then, transfer them to your mobile
VOIP Buster SMS icon
Send SMS from your desktop
Sony Ericsson Media Studio icon
Your movies, now in your Sony Ericsson
Talking Keys icon
Make your keyboard talk
Hurricane Monitor icon
Have forecasts and images of actual hurricanes
Basketball Predictor icon
Jump the gun and know tonight Basket results
EcoEuromillions icon
Optimize your play on Euromillions lottery
Nokia multimedia factory icon
Create and send MMS from your PC
Ringtone Media Studio icon
Create ringtones and transfer them to your mobile phone
Runners Studio icon
Good program from runners to runners
CopyTrans suite icon
Create a backup of your iPod, transfer data, photos and more
Oxygen Phone Manager II icon
Manage and customize your Nokia Mobile Phone
Movie Label icon
Catalog your entire movie collection
Sticker icon
Create sticky notes and stick them on your desktop
UP 3D Character - Russell icon
Print and create your own 3D-character of Russell (UP)
FreeLoto icon
Scaled down betting for la Primitiva, BonoLoto, etc.
TestPULSE icon
Measure and monitor your heart rate
Academic Calendar icon
An academic calender for Spanish university students
Extractor De Moviles icon
A utility for extracting winsms logs
INFACT Expense Management icon
Easily take better control of your expenses
Nutrisoft icon
Nutrition: Develop balanced diets
See more