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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

Bedtime Help icon
Good helper to go to bed at good time
SportTracks icon
The ultimate training plan
TVplasmaLCDSelector icon
Find out what's best for you: an LCD or plasma TV
Znow icon
It's snowing on your desktop!
Christmas Lights icon
Christmas lights on your desktop
Visolve icon
Are you color-blind? This program is for you
Quakeshakes icon
Detailed information about earthquakes around the world
Close Call icon
Small agenda for your computer
Sfairadora icon
Make your own light and accesible data base
FruitFulTime Notekeeper icon
Take notes and organize your thoughts
ScionPC icon
Create comprehensive family trees
Take Note icon
You won't forget anything with these pop-up reminders
QuestTracker icon
Keep meticulous track of all your to-dos
Biorhythms icon
All the info about your biorhythms, just a click away
Orzeszek Timer icon
Simple countdown timer
Agenda Escolar icon
The perfect agenda for students
My Free Weather icon
All the weather information you need, right on your computer
Rachota icon
Keep track of the time you spend on each activity
Metronome Timer icon
A small digital metronome specially for musicians
Task Tiger icon
Manage your time and work better
HTC Home icon
Give your system an HTC look
Student DOG organizer icon
What student needs to be up to date
UsefulRest icon
Take care of your health while you're in front of the computer
True Time Tracker icon
Calculate how long you use the computer
Tone Generator icon
Use test tones to calibrate your audio levels
Power Notes icon
Don't forget anything thanks to this effective note manager
Wieldy icon
Full-featured agenda not lacking in any detail
JustToDoIt icon
An incredibly simple task manager
Start My Day icon
Set a list of applications, web links and music to automatically load
Ora Time and Expense icon
A task manager, expense log, and timer, all in one
Thunder Address icon
A super comprehensive agenda with dozens of possibilities
Day Organizer icon
Perfectly organize your day and the week ahead
Big Stretch RSI Reminder icon
Don't forget to have a rest
Off4Fit icon
Keep fit while working or at home
Premember icon
Keep track of the time you spend on each project
Golden Rules Organizer icon
Organize your to-dos like a pro
Myibay icon
Stay on top of all of your eBay bids
GMapCatcher icon
Download some areas of Google Maps and check maps offline
Photo Calendar Maker icon
Create your own personalized calendars
Alive Organizer icon
rganize your agenda and admin your personal information
Juicy Business Cards icon
Create professional-looking business cards with ease
Gourmet Recipe Manager icon
Interesting virtual recipe book
Brewtarget icon
Create and manage your own beer recipes
TimeRecorder icon
Keep an eye on what you work on and how long it takes
OrangeNote icon
Take notes in different styles depending on the event
See more