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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

Fast Note icon
Stick a digital Post-it on your screen
Mobile DataBase icon
Powerful cell phone database
ATnotes icon
Post-its on your desktop
A-class Organizer icon
Organize your calendar, notes, and passwords
Gestion Comunidad de Vecinos icon
Simple management of a community of neighbours
Book of Psalms icon
Bible Book of Psalms e-book
Agenda Multisoft icon
The best option to manage your personal information
AMP Calendar icon
Expand a calendar containing all the months of the year
MovieTrack icon
Database with information searcher for movies
JeniuS icon
Organize all the media you have on your PC
MvIiIaX Gym Diary icon
Control everything you do in the gym
Note-It icon
Write your digital post-its
ComiX icon
Enjoy new comic strips everyday
Fixture Alemania 2006 icon
Follow all of the games in the World Cup hosted by Germany
Recipes Ship icon
Keep track of your recipes and find new ones
Games sMs icon
Send data, applications, and games to your smartphone
Zcataloguer icon
Organize and arrange your collections
Mis colecciones icon
Organize all your collections, even stamps
Microsoft Football Scoreboard icon
The World Cup just a click away
Vinos icon
Find out all kinds of information about Spanish wines
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