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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

Visolve icon
Are you color-blind? This program is for you
SportTracks icon
The ultimate training plan
Bedtime Help icon
Good helper to go to bed at good time
My Medications List icon
Keep a perfect record of the medicines you take
Hamster Free Woman Calendar icon
Avoid unwanted pregnancies
PostureMinder icon
Correct your posture in front of the computer
Doctor Vet icon
Manage your own veterinary clinic and ease your daily work
My Recipebook Professional icon
Get a comprehensive recipe library
Ovulation Calendar Calculator icon
Calculate the best time to conceive
AdelTronix icon
Control your weight and keep track of your diet
Advanced Woman Calendar icon
Create your own calendar to help you achieve or avoid conception
HealthFrame icon
Keep track of your medical record on your computer
CUPath icon
Test your memorization and orientation skills
Calorie Requirement icon
Calculate how many calories your body needs every day.
Money Manager Ex icon
Manage your personal accounts with ease
AceMoney Lite icon
Personal finnantial manager for your accounts
Personal Finances icon
Basic management of personal finances tool that’s easy to use
iCash icon
Control every aspect of your money
LiberOne icon
Efficient library management and maintenance
Buddi icon
Personal budgeting for those of us who aren't good with finances
MyCar-Monitor icon
Control all things having to do with your car
FusionDesk icon
Effectively organize how you and your work group spend your time
Collection Studio icon
Organize all your collections
Pimero icon
Advanced organizer for your personal information
ManicTime icon
Analyze the time spent on your computer
Klok icon
Optimize your time and plan your projects via Adobe AIR
Economix icon
Management tool to save on your household budget
Programa ayuda Renta icon
Spanish Tax Agency Official Program for your income tax returns
jGnash icon
Keep track of your home finances
See more