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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

Nokia LifeBlog icon
Your mobile data in your PC as a daily blog
Dietario de Almejandro icon
An agenda to help you remember all of your commitments
Okoke Brains Practicer icon
Exercise your brain and power up your memory
Calendario de Embarazo icon
Precise calculation of the weeks of gestation of the fetus
MyPhoto Calendars icon
Create calendars with your favourite photos
Q-Quince icon
Make your quiniela predictions from home
qOrganizer icon
Create your schedule and organize your time
Free Guitar Tuner icon
Tune your guitar with the tones of each string
PrestoNotes icon
Notes, post-it, alarms and e-mail notifiers
Agenda Gabilos icon
Powerful professional contact book
DietController icon
Take control of your diet
jGnash icon
Keep track of your home finances
Memo2050 icon
A simple calendar to take notes
MegaPik icon
Fun paint program for kids
Desktop TreNotes icon
Take notes and organize them as you please
Citrus Alarm Clock icon
Finally an alarm clock that sounds well
GNOME Fitness icon
Test your fitness
Programa ayuda Renta icon
Spanish Tax Agency Official Program for your income tax returns
SportsTracker icon
Record your workouts on a calendar
Hair Master icon
Change your look, start with a new hair style
See more