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Discover the most downloaded Personal software under Windows

Perfect Widgets icon
Incorporate a custom widget into your website
Hilos Panda Software icon
Create cross-stitch patterns of your favorite images
AdelTronix icon
Control your weight and keep track of your diet
GiMeSpace Cam Control icon
Use gestures to control your PC
Virtual Volumes View icon
Catalogue all the media files on your external drives
TapiRex icon
Find out who called your landline without getting up from the couch
Ovulation Calendar Calculator icon
Calculate the best time to conceive
MyBusinessCatalog icon
Create complete catalogs for your customers
Holiline Reminder icon
A full-featured planner to help you remember your important dates
Visual TimeAnalyzer icon
Monitor how you spend time on your computer
Weatherbar icon
The weather forecast, on your taskbar
Popup Pad icon
Make notes on your PC so you don't forget anything
WinCatalog icon
Find files saved on any storage device
My Recipebook Professional icon
Get a comprehensive recipe library
MoneyMe icon
Monitor your expenses and budget your money
SmartMenu icon
Quickly create menus for bars and restaurants
Saladin icon
A quick way to manage all the files on your system
FenrirFS icon
Organize and manage your files with useful labels
Desk & Archive icon
Turn your desktop into a to-do list
Doctor Vet icon
Manage your own veterinary clinic and ease your daily work
TimeBell icon
Manage and personalize your schedule and reminders
Booknizer icon
Organize your book collection
Agenda At Once Free PIM icon
Organize your to-do list and manage your contacts with this agenda
Fecha Limite icon
Create a countdown for any event
Lotto-Experte EuroJackpot icon
Need help with the EuroJackpot?
Hoffmanns Lotto-Experte ElGordo icon
A little help to win El Gordo La Primitiva
Smart Calendar icon
Simple and practical calendar to record all your events
MovieHive icon
Catalog your movie collection
Creador de errores falsos icon
Make fake computer errors for pranks
You Need a Budget icon
The best way to create and stick to your budget
REFOG Time Sheriff icon
Manage the time you spend on each program
Decision Making Helper icon
Make the right decision
Control Salud icon
Manage the clinic from your desktop
Game Collector icon
Need to organize your game collection?
Comic Collector icon
The best way to organize your comic book collection
Expenses icon
Manage your money with ease
PostureMinder icon
Correct your posture in front of the computer
MoneyFox icon
The simplest way to manage your finances
NoteClip icon
Take notes easily!
Hamster Free Woman Calendar icon
Avoid unwanted pregnancies
Address Book Master icon
Keep your address book on hand
Office Agenda icon
Organize medical appointments easily
See more