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Download general software for Windows for free

Android Studio icon
The new programming environment for Android
Visual Studio Code icon
Microsoft's cross-platform code editor
XAMPP icon
Set up a web server with Apache, PHP and MySQL in 5 minutes
Python icon
Accessible multi-paradigmatic programming language
Arduino IDE icon
The official app for Arduino programming
WiFi-Manager icon
Manage WIFI connections and their settings
Microsoft Edge WebView2 icon
Web content integration for native apps
PyCharm Community icon
The free version of PyCharm
PowerShell icon
The command line makes sense once more
Microsoft .NET 7.0 SDK icon
Components for Microsoft .NET applications
MSWLogo icon
Interface for Programming with Open Code Logo Language
MinGW - Minimalist GNU icon
A native port of GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for Windows
webOS Dev Manager icon
Manage root or developer mode on your LG TV with webOS
Visual Studio Community icon
A multiplatform development environment from Microsoft
Java 2 Runtime Environment icon
The essential component for running Java apps
Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime icon
Run apps built with .NET on Windows
Eclipse IDE icon
The most popular development environment
Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime All-in-One icon
Install the latest version of Visual C++ Redistributable
Atom icon
The comprehensive text editor for programmers, created by GitHub
GitHub Desktop icon
Develop in Windows, share in GitHub
Google App Engine icon
Create your own web applications using Google's infrastructure
gedit icon
Efficient and free text editor
Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition icon
Development studio for students and beginners
PyCharm Professional icon
One of the best apps for programming with Python
APK Easy Tool icon
Sign, compile and decompile APK files on Windows
Cursor icon
Improve your code writing with AI
Geany icon
Small and light development environment
Komodo Edit icon
An IDE optimized for dynamic language programming
GNS3 icon
Design and build virtual networks
R icon
Powerful statistical computing environment
PyScripter icon
Complete Python IDE
Postman icon
A comprehensive platform for API development, testing and management
APK Editor Studio icon
Reverse engineer APKs on Windows
Thonny icon
Learn Python the easy way
x64dbg icon
A 32-bit and 64-bit debugger for Windows
PkgEditor icon
Edit PS4 files in PKG, SFO or PFS format
Docker icon
Package apps in lightweight containers
Argouml icon
UML editor compatible with version 1.4's standards
Brackets icon
A dynamic web development environment
Replit icon
Write and test your code in this IDE
UltraEdit icon
Everything a programmer expects from an editor
Free Pascal icon
Open source compiler for Pascal
Delphi icon
Windows and multi-platform dev software
App Builder icon
Create HTML5 applications in the simplest way possible
EmEditor Professional icon
Advanced text editor for programmers
FastReport icon
Generate error reports for your apps
Node.js icon
Execute JavaScript code thanks to this asynchronous environment
Fork icon
A great Git client for your PC
See more