Study better thanks to cards created using Cabra
Create tests for your students in just a few steps
A free and open source programming environment
The best tool for learning to play the piano
Manage your book collection
A safe desktop environment for your kids
Improve your knowledge on geography
Maximize your typing speed on your PC
Since you already make cheat sheets--make them the best you can
Learn using your screensaver
A translator that integrates itself with all your programs
Improve your level of Russian
Excellent package of educational games for kids
Conjugate verbs in Spanish, German and English
Other way to learn typing
Learn typing playing with Tux
Read your texts as if you had a book in your hands
Look up Kanji signs and their meaning
Virtual keyboard for your desktop
Smartfind English-Indonesian / Ind-Eng dictionary
Type faster and in better conditions
Do you like reading on the PC-screen? So you need this program
Solve big Maths operations
Use the Monte Carlo method to measure analysis
Thousands of ebooks just one click away
A real-time logic problem simulator
Translate Valencian to Spanish and vice versa
Calculate vectors, matrices, complex numbers, and quaternions
Help with understanding English phonetics
Solve addition and subtraction problems, and have fun while you do it
Turn your computer into a math problem-solving machine
Periodic table with tools for students and researchers
Good application to create exams and tests
Learn vocabulary in an original way
Excellent space simulator and star finder
Check for spelling errors anywhere on your computer
Learn to speak English from home in only 4 months
Translate into English at the moment