Clean and protect your PC and web browsers
Scan your documents and extract text from them
Create your own ISO images in a matter of seconds
Quickly and easily create ISO images
Optimize your programs and free up hard drive space
A comprehensive utility to keep malware and spyware in check
Record your CDs quickly and easily
Recover your passwords stored in Opera
Keep your computer clean of virus and malware
Recover the classic start button in Windows 8
Easily manage your passwords
Extract any compressed file
Improve the performance of your P2P applications
Watch out what happen on your computer
Recover saved passwords from any web browser
Clean and fix Windows registry
Analyse disks and folders graphically
Scan your computer, find errors and repair them
Protect your PC against new viruses
Reveal the characters hidden in asterisks
Test your PC security
DVD burner with lots of options
Block EXE files from running
Hide confidential files into BMP files
Hide your folders make them viewable just by you
Record data CDs and DVDs easily and free
Protect software developers from piracy
Track the use of other people on your computer
Burn your DVDs and CDs and spend no money
Correct different system errors with jusc one click
Are you infected? Destroy any Spyware, Adware...
Have an eye on your employees' computers
Know everything about your system
Create PDF files from any program