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Download uninstallers software for Windows for free

ADB AppControl icon
Uninstall any app from your Android device with ADB
Revo Uninstaller icon
Clean up your PC
Wise Program Uninstaller icon
Remove all of your program safely and completely
Revo Uninstaller Portable icon
Clean and optimize your PC with this portable application
Perfect Uninstaller icon
Uninstall any program, even those that give problems
Windows 10/11 App Remover icon
Quickly eliminate all Windows 10 apps
Geek Uninstaller icon
Remove all the programs you can´t uninstall
Uninstall Tool icon
Safely uninstall any application from your computer
Ashampoo UnInstaller icon
Uninstall useless programs and accelerate your PC
HiBit Uninstaller icon
Delete programs you no longer use from your computer
Wise Program Uninstaller Portable icon
Delete apps from any device
Wise Force Deleter icon
AVG Clear icon
Eliminate anything AVG-related installed on your computer
AppRemover icon
Uninstall the security applications from your system
Uninstalr icon
A very accurate software uninstaller
Junkware Removal Tool icon
Get rid of annoying toolbars and unwanted programs
Norton Remove and Reinstall icon
NortonLifeLock Inc.
Decrap icon
Delete all the manufacturer-installed programmes from your PC
DirectX Eradicator icon
Do you want to remove DirectX for a clean start?
PC Decrapifier icon
Erase preinstalled software from new computers
Right-Click Uninstall icon
Uninstall Apps from the Context Menu
Delete.On.Reboot icon
UninstallView icon
Nir Sofer
Alternate File Shredder icon
Delete files and documents once and for all
Unchecky icon
Stop installing additional programs with each download
Express Uninstaller icon
Delete programs without leaving stray files behind
MSConfig Cleanup icon
Clean up any traces of unwanted applications
Uninstaller icon
DCR Team
Absolute Uninstaller icon
Quickly and efficiently uninstall your programs
ZSoft Uninstaller icon
Uninstall any program with no problem
Cleanse Uninstaller icon
Completely uninstall any Windows program
Handy Uninstaller icon
Safely uninstall the programs you no longer use
Luxo Jr. Short Series Uninstaller icon
Luxo Jr. Short Series Uninstaller
Shynkarenko Products Remover icon
A tool designed to eliminate various unwanted programs
Menu Uninstaller Pro icon
Uninstall programs with precision and flexibility
Soft Organizer icon
Eliminate unnecessary applications from your system
1Click Uninstaller icon
Get rid of programs you don't want on your PC with one click
Soft4Boost Any Uninstaller icon
Eliminate unwanted and damaged programs
Deletor icon
Eliminate all trash from your HD
Smarty Uninstaller icon
Easily uninstall any program
Uberstaller icon
Uninstal any program with no problems
RegScrubXP icon
CM DiskCleaner icon
Find and remove trash to keep your HD clean
Add Remove Plus icon
Be sure your unwanted programs are uninstalled properly
Fine Uninstall icon
Uninstall and delete programs from your PC
MyUninstaller icon
Control and erase all installed programs
Argente Uninstall Manager icon
Delete all the applications you don't want on your PC
See more