Safely eliminate files and folders
Install Windows with a USB and customize the settings
Scans and removes adware, hijackers, toolbars and PUPs
A fantastic alternative to the classic Windows Explorer
Free up RAM on your PC
Syncios D-Savior recovers over 1000 file types for PC users.
Compelet bulk MBOX file conversion with MCD's MBOX Migrator.
Create and burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs
Create your own Linux installer
Managing command line packages has never been easier
Power up the performance of your Core 2 or Core i
See a full list of Windows updates
Eliminate any virus, spyware or malware
Repel and destroy any malicious software
Keep all programs on your computer up to date
Mobile version of the complete substitute for Notepad
Recover files you recently deleted
Print several files at once without having to open them
Fast access to this distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux
Free alternative to WinRAR
Viewer for all connected monitors in one window in real time.
Recover information from hard drives and USB drives
Delete useless files from your computer
Manage your web browsing data and protect your privacy
Keep an eye on CPU, GPU and HD temperature
Complete file compresser/decompresser
A lightweight program for format in FAT32
Your notepad alternative
Protect your privacy by erasing all traces of your activity
Manage memory space and speed up your system
All the information about the hardware used by your PC
Export files to print on your 3D printer
Sync your files with your portable devices
Test your processor, graphics card and had disc
Get all the data about the performance of your processor
The Best MBOX File Viewer and Converter Tool for Bulk Files.
Best Tool to convert Apple mails to PST files.
Download updated drivers for your computer
Keep your hard disks in good condition
Recover passwords and decrypt files
One of the best alternatives to Microsoft Office