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Download system info software for Windows for free

CPU-Z icon
All the information about the hardware used by your PC
Everest Ultimate Edition icon
Analyze your PC: Software, hardware and configuration
Intel Processor Identification Utility icon
Know every detail about your processor
HWiNFO icon
Monitor the performance of all your PC components
SpeedFan icon
Control the fans and temperature of your PC
Core Temp icon
Monitor the temperature of Intel and AMD processors
RAMExpert icon
Learn more about the features and performance of your RAM
SiSoftware Sandra Lite icon
Detailed insights and analysis of your PC
Universal Watermark Disabler icon
Disable Windows watermarks
Victoria HDD/SSD icon
Diagnose and check everything about your hard drives and SSDs
Smarter Battery icon
Take care of your Laptop's battery
FanCtrl icon
Control your PC's fans
TrIDNet icon
Identify the forma of the file you are using
OEM Brander icon
Edit your PC manufacturer's information
eSupport BIOS Agent icon
Get information from the BIOS
Microsoft PID Checker icon
Validate all kinds of Microsoft product keys
CapsLock Indicator icon
Check the status of your computer's lock keys
PRTG Network Monitor icon
Monitor and manage your systems infrastructure
Futuremark SystemInfo icon
Identify your computer's hardware for future analysis
CPUCool icon
Control different parts of the system
Sidebar Diagnostics icon
A sidebar with all your PC's information
CPU ID icon
Detailed information regarding your processor
Fastfetch icon
Access all the information about your computer in real time
Hard Disk Validator icon
Scan your hard drive for errors
ASUS PC Probe icon
Control hardware aspects of the system in ASUS boards
Device Cleanup Tool icon
Simplify the management of disconnected devices on your PC
wushowhide icon
Show or hide any Windows update
Hardware Freak icon
All the information about your equipment within reach
Fresh Diagnose icon
Create a report with your PC components
USB Media Recovery icon
Restore deleted lost removable media data
.NET Checker icon
Check which version of .NET and C++ you have
SterJo Task Manager icon
Good task manager alternative
Task Manager Modder icon
Customize the look of your task manager
SuperbarMonitor.Battery icon
Check how much charge is left on your battery
System Scanner icon
Shows your computer's specs
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