Fantastic tool to manage your fonts
Dress up Window 7 in a Windows 8 style
A pioneer for your Windows Media Player
Restore the position of the icons on the desktop
Control multiple screens at the same time with a single mouse
Create a screensaver using a photo and adding water reflections
Synchronize Google Fonts to your PC
Change the look and feel of windows XP
Manage the fonts installed on your system
What if you could use several virtual desktops on Windows?
Personalize your Windows 8 Metro desktop
The official wallpaper of No country for old men
Protection against autorun.inf files
Take the keyblade and enjoy Kingdom Hearts in your PC
Beautiful snowy landscape for your desktop
An animated farm to protect your screen
Get a super Christmassy Windows logon screen
Snow White and the Evil Queen on your desktop
Change the look for your PC to look like a Mac
Enjoy the new aspect of the future windows
New models, new wallpapers, more fast and furious
Take a quick look at your fonts.
Celebrate Valentine's Day with this Windows Theme
Underwater adventures on your desktop
Test for dead pixels
Manage your fonts with no problem
See all the fonts you have on your computer
Give your desktop a red look
The king of the jungle on your desktop
Simple cross platform two-factor authentication app for desktop.
Amazing and free wallpaper cycler and manager
A theme with new backgrounds everyday
Put Naruto, the best anime ninja on your logon screen
Have a look at all your fonts at a glance
Add widgets to your desktop
Set up a digital clock on your desktop
The perfect solution for icon creation
Change the Windows startup/shutdown screen
Let Agent 47 protect your desktop
Search among thousands of icons to use freely on your website
10 Egg formatted avatars
Get a sundial for your desktop