Analyze any website and improve its performance
Block all ads on your web browser
Extract the entire content of a website automatically
A super-simple link shortener
Check the security of the websites that you visit
Speed up video download from certain websites
Limit the information Google knows about you
Filter undesirable websites
Download any video from youtube
Control the internet content on your computer
Download any webpage and save it in a ZIP file
Generate keywords to make your website easy to find
Run a full analysis on a website
Download the content from a webpage and work with it off line
Find out how much traffic your website gets
Find all broken links in your website
Run webapps without opening your browser
Download entire websites and surf them when offline
Track search results for your website and optimize them
Install web applications directly onto your desktop
Use Google Web Services without an Internet connection
All social networks at a glance
Download any video from Youtube just pasting the URL
Watch a collection of cartoons made by Sawyer Ique on this app!
A server log analyzer that answers crucial marketing questions
Mange your links conveniently
Create and customize your own dating site
Do pings and see the results on a graph
Organize your bookmarks easily and access them quickly
Useful search engine to quickly find your Favorites
Metro style panel for accessing your favorite webpages
Easily create professional-quality websites
Download all music from Grooveshark
Create and manage your website
Download those tracks you listen to on Grooveshark
Download full websites to your Hard Disk
Improve Wikipedia articles easily
Make quick comments on everything you download
A new way to add pages to your favorites
Share files over Droplr from Windows
Quicky and Easily Upload Your Videos to Vimeo