Search and play videos from youtube within your desktop
Know Alexa and PageRank position at a glance
Upload your photos to Flickr in an easy way
Web text editor compatible with several browsers
Follow your friends on Twitter and Friendfeed
Study the position of your website in Google or Yahoo
Control your website's position in Google
Access your favorite forums without needing a web browser
View, download and share internet videos and music
Download any video from sites like YouTube and Metacafe
Photo synchronization app for Flickr
Install web applications directly onto your desktop
Join this growing video community
Take screenshots of websites just typing the URL
Manage your Twitter from the desktop
Find and download lots of pictures
Upload files to Megaupload, Rapidshare and more
Amazing Twitter client for Vista
Download all your favorite YouTube videos
Take the most out of
A tool for working with your web browser history
Useful application to power up your HTML documents
Get your Facebook notifications on your desktop
Find all webs, no matter if you have the correct link or not
Control your main accounts on social networking sites
Manage Twitter from the desktop in a stylish way
An excellent tool for analyzing website visits