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Discover the most downloaded Utilities software under Windows

UpdateHub icon
Keep all your apps on Windows updated
Active Partition Manager icon
Freeware tool that helps manage storage devices and partitions
CommView for WiFi icon
Monitor your wireless networks
Stellar Repair for Excel icon
Repair Excel file and restore excel worksheet data easily
EaseUS MobiMover icon
Transfer all your iOS device data or backups
Wise Duplicate Finder icon
Find and delete duplicate files
FinalCrypt icon
Encrypt any file, no matter how big
FreeOffice icon
A completely free office suite for Windows
CSV Editor Pro icon
CSV Editor Pro is the professional choice for working with CSV files
PDFMate Free PDF Merger icon
Easily merge multiple files into one PDF
Nero TuneItUp icon
Clean up and optimize your system with Nero's official tool
RS Photo Recovery icon
Recover damaged or deleted photos
WA Recovery icon
Recover WhatsApp conversation histories
DocuFreezer icon
Convert Office documents into PDF and image formats
Tresorit icon
Protect all your files stored on the cloud
Anvi Browser Repair Tool icon
Fix all the errors on your browser
Boxcryptor icon
Encrypt the information you store on the cloud
Unchecky icon
Stop installing additional programs with each download
Ashampoo Anti-Virus icon
Security for your computer without sacrificing speed
CryptoLocker Ransomware icon
Search for, detect and eliminate all of the spyware on your PC
RollBack Rx PC icon
Restore Windows when errors appear
Picón Protección Profesional USB icon
Kill of the viruses on your USB extractable devices
Argente Disk Cleaner icon
Safely eliminate files and folders
FileOptimizer icon
Find the perfect program to open your file
FreeFileSync Portable icon
Compare and synchronize your files and folders
Spyware Process Detector icon
Detect and eliminate spyware from your computer
SuperEasy Driver Updater icon
Your equipments drivers at hand
AirParrot icon
Send PC image to Apple TV
CleanMyPC icon
Keep your PC in fit
J7Z icon
Alternative graphic interface for the popular 7-Zip
Easy Burner icon
Burn CDs and DVDs within a pair of clicks
TopWinPrio icon
Prioritize the active applications on your computer
Direct Zip Driver icon
Powerful file compression and extraction tool
CCEnhancer icon
Extra features for CCleaner
HitmanPro icon
Are you sure you are free of virus?
Prey icon
Localize your laptop anywhere in the world
Registry Purify icon
Analyze and clean Windows registry
LicenseCrawler icon
Recover and manage your program's serial numbers
PDF reDirect icon
Create PDF documents from any application
Free Registry Cleaner icon
Windows Registry is important, take care of it
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