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Discover the most downloaded Utilities software under Windows

Naomi icon
Safe internet surfing experience for children
Xiao Steganography icon
Hide any confidential information in an image
eSupport BIOS Agent icon
Get information from the BIOS
HDCleaner icon
Eliminate all unnecesary files in your PC
RegSeeker icon
Control the Windows registry in a pair of minutes
The Extractor icon
Extract the content from various ZIP or RAR files at the same time
USB Disk Ejector icon
Eject USB devices with no problems
File Splitter and Joiner icon
Split and join files in an easy and fast way
Cobian Backup icon
Manage and create your own backups
AutoIt icon
Automate any program
Windows Grep icon
Perform a text search in multiple files
RAMRush icon
Optimize memory and free up RAM
Random Number Generator icon
Your random number generator
FinePrint icon
Save ink and paper when printing
Windows 7 Easy Transfer icon
Transfer your accounts, e-mails and documents from XP to Windows 7
Secure Eraser icon
Securely delete files from your computer
OOo4Kids icon
OpenOffice version special for 7-12 years old kids
doPDF icon
Creating a PDF has never been so easy
IsoBuster icon
Recover damaged data from CDs and DVDs
Bootice icon
Master advanced partition management and system boot
Okular icon
Universal document viewer
Beeftext icon
Save time by associating text fragments with short words
Killer icon
End processes on your Windows computer
Ultra Adware Killer icon
Remove all adware and malware from your computer
ApowerPDF icon
A comprehensive PDF editor
USB Flash Drive Data Recovery icon
Recover lost files from your USB device
ChrisPC Game Booster icon
Get the best out of your PC
VirusTotal Scanner icon
Scan your system with over 40 antivirus programs with a single app
PaperScan icon
Improves the quality of your scanned and printed documents
MultiMonitorTool icon
Manage several monitors at a time from the same computer
Ultimate Boot CD icon
Analyze and repair your computer from a CD with this tool kit
Immunet icon
A lightweight and effective antivirus
OpenPuff icon
Hide messages in images
KeyFreeze icon
Lock your keyboard and mouse with a quick double-click
Any Weblock icon
Easily block any website
Free Mouse Auto Clicker icon
Automatic mouse clicks every certain amount of time
UAC Controller Tool icon
Modify Windows UAC settings - User Acess Control
Print Conductor icon
Print several files at once without having to open them
Don't Sleep icon
Prevent your computer from shutting down or restarting
HideWin icon
Someone coming? Hide your windows quickly!
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