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Download new Windows software under Personal

Start My Day icon
Set a list of applications, web links and music to automatically load
KishKish Lie Detector icon
A lie detector for Skype
InsideCAT Lite Edition icon
Catalogue and organise your CD collection
Mobilewitch Bluetooth Remote Control icon
Convert your mobile phone into a remote control for your PC
Office Agenda icon
Organize medical appointments easily
AM-Notebook icon
Take notes and create events in this calendar
Aida Organizer icon
Simple diary full of possibilities
Breaker icon
How long until your next break?
Converber icon
A fantastic unit converter
Chrometa icon
Manage your time more efficiently and in the cloud
GMinder icon
Get Google Calendar alerts on your desktop
RequestCommander icon
Tag problems and view user requests
Big Stretch RSI Reminder icon
Don't forget to have a rest
uTodo icon
Manage to-do lists easily and efficiently
SundryTools XV icon
A comprehensive application featuring a medley of tools
True Time Tracker icon
Calculate how long you use the computer
TS Marcador Fútbol icon
Manage and display all the information of sports events
DinnerWiz icon
Create the menu for next week
OrangeNote icon
Take notes in different styles depending on the event
Desktop TreNotes icon
Take notes and organize them as you please
Rebtel icon
Make calls and send cheap SMS from your computer
Qlock icon
Know the time anywhere on the planet
MCataloguer icon
Catalog your documents and multimedia files
Collectibles Organizer Deluxe icon
Create and organize a database of your collections
Memo2050 icon
A simple calendar to take notes
PhiTodo icon
A pretty and practical task manager
Your Voice Reminder icon
Innovate, add voices to your reminders
openPim icon
Your agenda and more
AMP Calendar icon
Expand a calendar containing all the months of the year
NotesHolder icon
Quick notes in your system tray
Total Organizer icon
A very comprehensive personal organizer
ContactKeeper icon
Useful and free agenda
MiniReminder icon
Practical, simple, free agenda
TwelveKeys icon
Generate a visual guide of the score for any song
Active Desktop Calendar icon
Integrate a full featured calender in your desktop
Argumentative icon
Easy-to-use mind mapping software
Voice Finger icon
Control your computer with your voice
Tomboy icon
Have an idea? Jot it down on your desktop
FusionDesk icon
Effectively organize how you and your work group spend your time
MaxiTrebol icon
Primitiva, bonoloto, euromillones... all in one program
Global Weather 3D icon
Check cloudiness on a 3D representation of the Earth
Lc1X2 icon
Make reduced bets on soccer matches with three different methods
FreeApps icon
Download lots of free applications
FriendEye icon
Give your eyes a rest every now and then
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