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Download new Windows software under Personal

Notes icon
A simple and easy-to-use notes manager
Basketball Predictor icon
Jump the gun and know tonight Basket results
Storm Predator icon
Predict Storms from your computer
Screen Clock icon
A beautiful analog clock for your desktop
SportTracks icon
The ultimate training plan
Bedtime Help icon
Good helper to go to bed at good time
Buddi icon
Personal budgeting for those of us who aren't good with finances
Edinamarry Free Tarot Software icon
A complete tarot deck for your computer
TVplasmaLCDSelector icon
Find out what's best for you: an LCD or plasma TV
Znow icon
It's snowing on your desktop!
Christmas Lights icon
Christmas lights on your desktop
Stop Watch icon
Simple stopwatch for your computer
Living Cookbook 2011 icon
A full-featured cookbook
Quakeshakes icon
Detailed information about earthquakes around the world
ResophNotes icon
A simple note manager with online synchronization
SuperDonate icon
Donate money while your computer is idle
FruitFulTime Notekeeper icon
Take notes and organize your thoughts
WinBraille icon
Translate, format and adjust your text for your braille embosser
Take Note icon
You won't forget anything with these pop-up reminders
GTD-Free icon
Applying the GTD productivity model has never been easier
Exstora icon
Take fast notes and appointments with this lite tool
To-Do Desklist icon
A comprehensive application for writing down your pending tasks
BMI Calculator icon
Quickly find out your Body Mass Index
Runners Studio icon
Good program from runners to runners
QuestTracker icon
Keep meticulous track of all your to-dos
Orzeszek Timer icon
Simple countdown timer
TimeRecorder icon
Keep an eye on what you work on and how long it takes
My Free Weather icon
All the weather information you need, right on your computer
TKexe Kalender icon
Create calendars with your own pictures
Working Time icon
Manage the time you spend on each of your tasks
Metronome Timer icon
A small digital metronome specially for musicians
Calendar Magic icon
Complete calendar and tools pack
Baby Diary icon
Multimedia diary for the life of your baby
Task Tiger icon
Manage your time and work better
DietController icon
Take control of your diet
GenDesigner icon
Easily create your family tree
HTC Home icon
Give your system an HTC look
Digital Physiognomy icon
Facial recognition software, just like in the movies
Student DOG organizer icon
What student needs to be up to date
CopyTrans suite icon
Create a backup of your iPod, transfer data, photos and more
UsefulRest icon
Take care of your health while you're in front of the computer
WinPIM XP icon
Store contacts, notes and appointments
Wieldy icon
Full-featured agenda not lacking in any detail
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