Easily get notified when caps lock is on
Manage all your installed programs with just one tool
Uninstall Windows 10 and go back to Windows 7 or 8
Smooth updates for your operating system
Find out important information about your PC
Shut down or restart your PC automatically
Keep getting updates for Windows XP
Quickly manage the tools that are installed on your system
Find out everything your PC's doing in real time
Open a new desktop with the things you use everyday
Find all the direct accesses to your programs
New ways to search for files on your device
Control your computer with the Wiimote
See all the serial numbers for your computer with just a glance
Alternative Windows start menu program to open programs and documents
Make Windows 8 over into the style of Windows 7
Have your PC switched off automatically
Schedule a time for your PC to turn on and off automatically
Control your computer from a distance
Switch the start menu in Windows 7 to the classic XP one
Get the classic Start menu back on Windows 7
Guess the reasons why that program is hang
Persoonalize Windows 7 Logon screen
Automate and schedule your daily activities
Use keyboard shortcuts for all kinds of actions
Choose the Operating System you want to run at startup
Dozens of shortcuts in just one hotkey
Save energy by programming your computer to hibernate
Convert your Java files to Exe in six steps
Stop your PC from hibernating or shutting down when it's inactive
Don't let your computer turn off without your permission
Organize different tasks to accomplish in a certain timeframe
Restore your computer's data in just a few minutes
Dozens of system options just a mouse-click away
What does this Windows error code mean?
Assign as many shortcuts as you want
Easily manage all your system resources
Upgrade package for Windows Explorer
Listen to typical elevator music while you wait in front of the PC
Schedule the shutdown of your computer
Save, change and restore Windows startup configuration
Restart or shut off your computer at a certain time
A better task manager for your computer
Control the programs run in Windows startup
Easily drag and resize windows
Schedule the time when your computer will shut down