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Download operating system software for Windows for free

WHDownloader icon
Smooth updates for your operating system
Easy Start Launcher icon
Open a new desktop with the things you use everyday
Folder Changer icon
Change your folder's appearance within one click
Windows 7 Logon Message icon
Persoonalize Windows 7 Logon screen
Logon Editor icon
Change the background image of Windows 7 logon screen
TsRebootTimer icon
Restart your computer after one minute
Actual Window Manager icon
Add new and interesting functions to each window
MediaPortal icon
Turn your PC into a true multimedia center
nOS 1.0 icon
A scratch project turned into an app. The nOS Beta.
Windows Update Fixer icon
Fix any problems with Windows Update
What's My Computer Doing icon
Find out everything your PC's doing in real time
TouchMote icon
Control your computer with the Wiimote
Win 8 Start Menu Changer icon
Make Windows 8 over into the style of Windows 7
Get Your Keys icon
Get your Windows Serial Number and more
XP UpdatePack icon
Access all Windowx XP updates
CDReader icon
Check the integrity of your files
OpenTempus icon
Keep track of time spent in front of your computer
Shutdown Scheduler icon
Schedule the time when your computer will shut down
Hotkeyz icon
Assign hotkeys to programs to run them with one click
Start-Q icon
Speed up Windows Startup with this program
XP Registered Name Changer icon
Change the registered name of your Windows XP
Send To Toys icon
Add locations to the Windows 'Send to' menu
4t Tray Minimizer icon
Minimize any application to your taskbar
Partition Boot Manager icon
Boot manager that supports up to 256 OS on the same disk
Barts PE Builder icon
A new answer to antiquated boot discs
MojoPac icon
OS under Windows that fits an iPod or USB
Actual Windows Minimizer icon
Minimize any program to the systems tray
Passvers iOS System Recovery icon
Passvers iOS System Recovery is a iOS system recovery tool
Active@ LiveCD icon
Recover lost data, reset passwords, back up PC, securely erase data.
WinUpdatesView icon
See a full list of Windows updates
ScrollNavigator icon
Scroll faster with the mouse wheel
KillWin icon
Enable and disable Windows Update
See more