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Download notes / appointments software for Windows for free

Two-Click Reminder icon
Remember all of your pending tasks using these notifications
Concenturio icon
Use your favorite songs to remember the tasks you have to do
Popup Pad icon
Make notes on your PC so you don't forget anything
Desk & Archive icon
Turn your desktop into a to-do list
Chrometa icon
Manage your time more efficiently and in the cloud
Ticks icon
Time and money counter for freelance workers
Tasks.Show icon
Smart notes that will always keep you informed
mfNotePad icon
Place notes on your desktop without cluttering it up
Screen Clock icon
A beautiful analog clock for your desktop
FruitFulTime Notekeeper icon
Take notes and organize your thoughts
Take Note icon
You won't forget anything with these pop-up reminders
Task Tiger icon
Manage your time and work better
Wieldy icon
Full-featured agenda not lacking in any detail
JustToDoIt icon
An incredibly simple task manager
Ora Time and Expense icon
A task manager, expense log, and timer, all in one
OrangeNote icon
Take notes in different styles depending on the event
AM-Notebook icon
Take notes and create events in this calendar
Cloud Pad icon
Create virtual reminder notes
esyPlanner icon
Plan your working day and create reminder notes
TurboNote+ icon
Excellent note manager with extra features
iTunes Multialarm icon
Wake up with your favourite music
Sticker icon
Create sticky notes and stick them on your desktop
Fast Note icon
Stick a digital Post-it on your screen
ATnotes icon
Post-its on your desktop
Note-It icon
Write your digital post-its
Compact Alarmer icon
A foolproof alarm for your PC
Notes Plus Plus icon
A note manager with voice capability
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