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Download notes / appointments software for Windows for free

A Note icon
Access your notes from different computers
Fast Note icon
Stick a digital Post-it on your screen
ATnotes icon
Post-its on your desktop
Note-It icon
Write your digital post-its
MiniReminder icon
Practical, simple, free agenda
Your Voice Reminder icon
Innovate, add voices to your reminders
My Life Organized icon
A simple task organiser
WakeMeUp icon
Wake up with the music you like
StickyNotes icon
Three dimensional notes for your desktop
Compact Alarmer icon
A foolproof alarm for your PC
Notes Plus Plus icon
A note manager with voice capability
PrestoNotes icon
Notes, post-it, alarms and e-mail notifiers
Desktop TreNotes icon
Take notes and organize them as you please
Citrus Alarm Clock icon
Finally an alarm clock that sounds well
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