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Discover the most downloaded Education software under Windows

XToolBox icon
Optimize and simplify development tasks
BitRecover Excel to vCard Converter icon
Convert Excel XLSX or XLS Contacts to vCard Format
Sysinfo OST Recovery Tool icon
Sysinfo OST Recovery Tool repairs corrupted OST files
G Suite Backup Tool icon
G Suite Backup tool backup G Suite into various file formats.
Maths Times Table icon
A colorful Mathematics Multiplication Table for children.
Mbox Viewer icon
Reads files with the .MBOX extension generated by Gmail backup
Gmail Email Backup Tool icon
Gmail Email Backup Tool backup Gmail emails into PST, PDF formats
Simple Interest Finder icon
Application for calculating simple interest
Windows Greeting Card Maker Application icon
Create or edit greeting cards for any event
MicroTask icon
A simple manager similar to Windows task manager
Noteee icon
Noteee a todo application for your office
Islamia University of Bahawal icon
A large collection of online learning material
Cross+A icon
Solve puzzles faster than ever
Universe Quest icon
Everything about rockets and space exploration
Saving Gal icon
Fun educational game
Relay Tripping Curves-PRO2 icon
Relay Tripping Curves PRO2
Subject Sugester icon
Let the computer to decide what to study
PDFMate eBook Converter icon
Convert your PDF files into other formats
AyudaMates icon
Get results by simulating complex mathematical operations
EquationsPro icon
Everything you could need to solve complex equations
SSuite Office Lemon Juice icon
A free and very comprehensive office package
FCorp - Acronym Database icon
Create your own acronyms with a little help
FCorp - Anagram icon
Create anagrams with whatever letters you want
Lucidor icon
Read e-books on your PC
ConnectedText icon
Create your own personal wiki
JoomlaLMS icon
Develop an e-learning platform using Joomla
Mnemosyne icon
Memorize questions and answers in half the time
See more