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Excel Random Sort Order to randomly sort lists sequences cell ranges icon
Randomly sort lists sequences cell ranges sort data and multiple rows
Extract Data and Text from Multiple Text and HTML Files Software icon
Extract data and text from multiple text and HTML files
MS Word Merge, Combine and Join Multiple MS Word Documents Software icon
Combine and join multiple MS Word documents
Excel print multiple excel documents at once with worksheet customization Software! icon
Print multiple excel documents at once with worksheet customization
Join text files combine and merge csv files into one from multiple files Software icon
Combine and merge CSV files into one from multiple files
Random Number Generator to create random numbers icon
Create random number sequences for software
Random Name Generator to create random names icon
Generate lists of random names for your social media
Sysinfo SQL Database Recovery icon
Recover all SQL server database files with prominent recovery tool
Cigati MySQL Database Repair Tool icon
The Prominent Software to Repair Corrupt MySQL Database
Cigati Access Database Recovery icon
Best Tool to Repair or Recover corrupt MS Access Database Files
Rapid PHP Editor icon
Specialised PHP editor
Free Pascal icon
Open source compiler for Pascal
PHP Runner icon
Create PHP pages to modify the content of a database
MinGW - Minimalist GNU icon
A native port of GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) for Windows
Fork icon
A great Git client for your PC
Joomla icon
An easy to install and set-up Content Management System
Ruby icon
Dynamic, open-source programming language
CakePHP icon
PHP development framework based on MVC architecture
HTML Editor icon
A complete, powerful HTML editor
Free HTML Editor icon
HTML editor with XML conversion
EMS MySQL Manager icon
Easily manage your MySQL databases
Programmers Notepad icon
A comprehensive programming editor for multiple languages
WooCommerce icon
Create an online store from a Wordpress blog
CodeIgniter icon
PHP Framework for web development
Quest icon
Create your own video games in the blink of an eye
EasyPHP icon
Complete web-development tool pack
Mesh Editor icon
A lightweight and easy-to-use code editor
AppServ icon
Install and configure Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin
Aptana Studio icon
Development environment for dynamic web applications
gedit icon
Efficient and free text editor
EverEdit icon
Text editor for programmers
Open Live Writer icon
Edit blog entries from your desktop
GridinSoft Notepad icon
Powerful notepad especially designed for developers
Evrsoft First Page 2006 icon
Impressive web development tool
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