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Download new Windows software under Development

Twine icon
A tool to create non-linear interactive stories
XAPK Packaging Tool icon
Simple and efficient tool for XAPK packaging.
Solar2D icon
Create games and apps with this popular engine for free
Apktool icon
Modify, compile and decompile APK files in Windows
PEiD icon
Analyze and detect signatures in PE files easily
Navicat Premium icon
Manage several databases simultaneously
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable icon
Component required to run Visual C++ applications
Maze of Tenfon: Chapter 1 icon
Escape the maze
R icon
Powerful statistical computing environment
Create MSI packages with ease
Website X5 Pro icon
Create your own website without any programming knowledge
PyCharm Professional icon
One of the best apps for programming with Python
Keyran icon
Create and use macros on any mouse and keyboard setup
Ogre 3D icon
A tool to render video game graphics
Escapa! icon
Escape the labyrinth
RJ TextEd icon
Very useful comprehensive text editor for programmers
PHPMaker icon
Generate PHP from databases
Soturno icon
You're alone in your house and your parents have disappeared!
Aseprite icon
Create pixel art animations
TrueNAS icon
Build your own storage system
dbForge Data Compare for MySQL icon
A powerful, fast, and easy-to-use data comparison tool
dbForge Schema Compare for MySQL icon
dbForge Schema Compare for MySQL
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL icon
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL
dbForge Data Generator for MySQL icon
Generate Large Datasets of MySQL Test Data
dbForge Query Builder for MySQL icon
Create and Edit MySQL Queries Visually
dbForge Documenter for MySQL icon
Explore and Document MySQL and MariaDB Databases
dbForge Studio for MySQL icon
The most intelligent MySQL management tool
Arduino IDE icon
The official app for Arduino programming
EditPlus icon
Program in HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, etc.
jEdit icon
Complete text editor for programmers
GB Studio icon
The best development tool for Game Boy games
Eclipse SDK icon
Powerful development environment for JAVA
NVIDIA BIOS Editor icon
Modify the BIOS of your NVIDIA graphics card
NSIS icon
Simple, free installer creator
Install Creator icon
Create an installer using an assistant
CreateInstall Free icon
An easy way to create full instalation files
Resource Hacker icon
A powerful resource editor for Windows
ConEmu icon
Improve your experience when using the Windows console
Godot Engine icon
Comprehensive open-source suite for game development
TurboWarp icon
Design all types of creative projects
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