Create a work environment that's appropriate for children
Thousands of different wallpapers thanks to Flickr
The official screensaver from the movie Tron
Let the weather change your wallpaper
The official wallpaper of the movie
Change the colour in Aero to match the weather
Customize graphic properties of Aero desktop
The official background of the movie dedicated to Facebook
Find out of you have any dead pixels on your screen
Smoother foreign-character fonts
Easy-to-use font viewer
Have a look at all your fonts at a glance
Monitor the time spent working on mulitple computers
Organize changes to your desktop wallpaper
Open your favorite applications from a circular menu
Set the Starcraft II logo as background
War has just started, decorate your desktop with this Starcraft 2 wallpaper
Have a look at all fonts installed
Set new icons from the Oxygen theme
Set the planet Earth as your screensaver
Create your own wallpapers in an easy way
Add improvements to how Windows 7 operates
Create your own icons in the purest Adobe style
Epic wallpaper of one of the games of the year
Evolution of the original Windows 7 Theme
Play videos as desktop background
Add an attractive alarm clock to your desktop
Twitter and Flickr on your screensaver
Create four virtual desktops to improve productivity
Easily change the wallpaper
More than 5000 wallpapers for your desktop
Search and find the perfect icons for your applications among thousands of icons
Enjoy images of the Chinese zodiac on your desktop
Automatically change the wallpaper each certain time
Set your photos as your default screensaver
Access thousands of wallpapers and set them as background
Screensaver which updates with images from Internet
Protect yourself, the sky is falling
Let Blade protect your desktop
Let’s get curious in your PC
You die in the game, You die for real
The new film from the directors of Matrix
Wolverine in your desktop, X-MEN is back again
Your favourite tribe has arrived to your desktop
Don’t search for Icons, look what you have in your PC