Find possible threats on your PC
Protect and control your personal information
Take good care of your PC
Back up your files without taking malware with you
Keep your computer data from being tracked
Search for, detect and eliminate all of the spyware on your PC
Prevent any virus from accessing your computer
Find spyware and malware and eliminate it from your PC
Detect and eliminate spyware from your computer
Store and protect your passwords so you don't lose or forget them
Eliminate any trace of Adware.PLook from your computer
Identify and destroy all malware in your system
Rid your PC of spyware
Clean your PC of malware in five minutes
Detect and eliminate spyware, trojans, worms and any other malware
Proactively defend your machine
Stop any virus, spyware or malware
Total protection against virus, spyware and more threats
Adware, Spyware and Trojans are no longer a problem
Powerful program for detecting and deleting spyware
Eliminate any spyware trail from your PC
Get rid of all the spyware and trojans that attack your PC
Protect your PC, protect your data
Find and remove various kinds of malware
Protect your PC against any kind of malware
A comprehensive utility to keep malware and spyware in check
Are you infected? Destroy any Spyware, Adware...