Detect and remove viruses, spyware, Trojans, and more
Browse safely and protect your PC
Detect protectors of .exe files
Remove adware from your computer
Detect and clean spyware
Delete the malware that other programs can't handle
Protect your PC from malicious files
The most complete antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-everything.
The best way to destroy trojans
Repel and destroy any malicious software
Detect, eliminate and avoid Spyware for free
Find, and get rid of, rootkits on your computer
Fast, reliable, free,... a perfect anti spyware
Identify and destroy all malware in your system
Detect and eliminate any kind of malware from your system
Remove all adware and malware from your computer
Scan, locate, and disinfect your PC from any malware
Good toolpack to deal with infected computers
Find possible threats on your PC
Protect your system from any threat
Scan your computer for viruses and malware
Keep CryptoLocker from infecting your computer
Clean your PC of malware in five minutes
Eliminate virus, spyware and malware at a stroke
Protect your PC, protect your data
Destroy every Spyware/adware in your PC
Scan your computer for threats
A virtual keyboard to avoid password tracking