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All the driving services available in the Netherlands
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Reviews from world travelers – all written in Arabic
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Map of New York's subway system
Find out wait times and the locations of nearby hair salons
Public transportation maps for Singapore
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Hail a taxi and check the fare before you leave
Reserve your trips with the most reliable company in India
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Deals on hotels and flights for your dream vacation
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Info and ID for your current phone call
Find a getaway or your dream vacation at an incredible price!
Get around Paris via any means of transport
A currency exchange tool that will help you avoid trouble
The official app for the 2015 World's Fair in Milan
Travel and flight offers you can't refuse
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The Yellow Pages in Canada
Find the cheapest flight with the special deals on this app
Find comfort at a great price with this hotel search engine
Reserve bus tickets from the comfort of your smartphone
Find a room, compare prices, and choose the best option
A phone book with private and business phone numbers in Switzerland
Get to your destination with this GPS
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Get to know the locations of certain places with this map
Watch how fast you drive and use GPS
Information for flights and airports all over the world
Find out exactly how high the mountains are with this altimeter
Visit the most popular sights when you travel
Schedules and other transportation information from Augsburgo
Fast roadside assistance app with transparent pricing and wide network
Search for the best hotel offers
Look up transportation services in China
A useful map of Romania
Learn German numbers effectively with engaging practice
Enjoy all the automobile services that RAC offers you