Monitor your battery and get the most out of it
Manage your smartphone and its functions with simple shortcuts
An easy way to measure the time
A scientific calculator with advanced features
A multimedia content search engine from Samsung
Optimize your smartphone for maximum performance
Disable your lock screen whenever it's not needed
A password manager for all your accounts
Find any kind of Minecraft skin you want and apply it
Save battery life and get the most out of your smartphone
Tune your violin to G-D-A-E
Hyper-local weather updates & forecasts on your Android device
Manage your images and answer calls by just moving your hand
Live wallpaper with customizable clock and real-time weather updates
Use any language to contact people around the world
Get rid of dogs, cats, and mosquitos with this high-pitched whistle
Android optimization app with one-tap speed-up and security features
Protect your apps with a passcode
Recommend and buy new apps and game
Perform mathematical operations with total security
Activate and deactivate notifications on your favorite launcher
A flashing light to alert you when you get a notification or call
Control your data with this app for Android
Get information on anyone who calls you in India
Quick and easy access to your recipes!
Manage screen time with persistent, reboot-resistant phone usage lock
Monitor mobile data usage and prevent overcharges with smart widgets
Take screenshots with custom sizes
Pray with this Quran and time manager
A simple notepad where you can write notes on different things
Find and buy your ideal home on this real estate app
Use your cameras with a single smartphone app
Find criminal records for people with this search engine
Use your PC's Windows operating system on your smartphone
Immediate access to your mobile data connection with just a click
Perform automatic actions and tasks on your Android device
Keep track of the phases of the moon with this pretty widget
Stop receiving spam messages and calls
Check the temperature, charge, and status of your battery
Free your mobile device with only an IMEI code
All the information you could ever need on your device
The most detailed weather forecast in Hong Kong
Unlock your device using only your voice
Find friends around you with SayHi by shaking your mobile device
An agenda that will remind you of everything you have to do
Export and save in various Microsoft Office formats
Don't waste your battery foolishly; use this optimizer instead