Schedule an automized cleaning of your cache and unnecessary files
Get flash notifications on your smartphone
Get information on flights
Easily move your apps to your external memory card
Send free messages to CSM and CDMA numbers
Today's weather, time, and other useful information
List of default passwords for the router
Secure online gaming with robust two-step verification app
Keep track of your accounts with Carphone Warehouse
Interactive musical lock screen for enhanced device security
Identify and view EXIF data associated with your images
Real-time, detailed Slovenia weather forecasts at your fingertips
Discover the weather forecast on the sea
Calculate how in love two people are
Test and compare Android device performance with benchmarking suite
Transfer files between devices
Accurate, real-time South Tyrol weather forecasts and alerts
Enhance Wear OS with intuitive, bubble-based app launcher & management
Put a numerical padlock on your personal image files
Advanced Bluetooth scanner for device detection and data analysis
Automatically calibrate the brightness of your Android
Get the latest updates for your smartphone!
A VPN client for accessing the Internet safely and without restriction
Share apps with your friends and contacts
Screen lock management for Samsung devices
Secure photo/video locker with Knox protection and stealth mode
This app will tell you the weather anywhere in the world
Official app for the Alcatel One Touch Home V102
Create pretty pixelated drawings