The official companion app for Final Fantasy XIV
Customizable buttons for your homescreen
Block curved edges of your screen and never tap it on accident again
Your city's weather information in your pocket
Never lose your way with your Lenovo
See all the weather information you need in great detail
A fully-featured map tool
Secure your private information on a lost device
A real scientific calculator on your cell
Get info on notifications without touching your device
Scan and translate any document you want
Get rid of unnecessary files on your device
Backgrounds for your Xiaomi fitness watch
Transfer data from your old Asus to your new one
Create beautiful, harmonious color pallettes
Block Internet traffic toward specific connections
Cloud storage for all your files
Pause videos or games using face recognition
Check your phone's vibration
A VPN for browsing without limits
24/7 on-demand tech support and device optimization app
Surf the Internet without limits
Get around navigation barriers in your country with this VPN Proxy
Access your documents from any platform
Direct access to the DMK'S Castle YouTube channel
Learn basic words and numbers in English
Take notes on your smartphone