Search for registration and personal information
Clean all viruses off your smartphone
A super brilliant illumination tool
Have a place to send your deleted files and recover them if needed
An extra blink for your alarms and notifications
Direct access to change your connectivity type
Belgian weather app with precise hourly updates and two-week trends
Analyze your smartphone, eliminate viruses, and browse safely
Get double encryption for your personal files and information
Find what you need in GTA V with this map app
Browse foreign websites in a convenient and easily accessible way
Support for all kinds of NFC services
Manage cars equipped with HondaLink First Generation
Set your screen to unlock whenever you're in a safe place!
QR code reader with a guarantee from Kaywa
An improved version of your DayDream clock
Install and manage APKs on your SD card
Lock and unlock your screen with tiny hearts
Set up a proxy for your tablet or smartphone
Get notifications on your smartphone as though you had a 6S
Share music and videos with Airplay devices
Get a status bar with all the bells and whistles
Manage Google products by using this app
Use your fingerprints to unlock your screen
A platform where you can enjoy all types of videos
Protect your ability to browse the Internet with this VPN
Read and write in RFID and NFC tags
Secure enterprise network access and integrated VPN for Android users
Monitor and map RF/WiFi signals using your Android phone
A tool for managing your rooting options
NXP public transport card management
Tons of functions for recovering your content