Create backups and automatically save changes
Protect any drive on your system from prying eyes
Create random passwords that keep you protected
Password protect your ZIP files and avoid prying eyes
Destroy files permanently so they can't be recovered
Open, save, and share your entire working process
Protect and encrypt all your computer's data and files
Encrypt and protect an unlimited amount of files
Generate random passwords with the characters that you need
Protect your passwords with a master key
Save your passwords and important information securely
Hide your files in a bitmap image
Encrypt your files and securely protect your information
Analyze any suspicios files and keep your system clean
Excellent tool for maintaing system security
Encrypt partitions and protect your files
Hide, block, and password-protect folders on external drives
Hide your most private files inside of an MP3
Create your own video surveillance system and protect yourself
Don't second guess when deleting a document
Protect your privacy on your computer and the Internet
Protect the videos on your PC with a password
Sync your multimedia files
Restore your system without having to worry about losing your files
Recover your passwords stored in Opera
Manage all your passwords
Monitor activity over your internet connection
Optimize, encrypt, and protect any Flash application
Browse the Internet with no worries of any kind
Encrypt your private images with this encryption system
Recover forgotten passwords from your web browsers
Block the automatic update to Internet Explorer 10
Hide your files inside of other files
Keep all your passwords safe
Delete data safely and forever
Protect your documents no matter where they are
Easily manage your passwords
Protect all your files in the cloud
Make automatic backups of important files
The easy way to manage your passwords
Monitor everything that happens on a computer
A quick way to change your website's password
Encrypt any file on your hard drive
Protect and hide your important videos