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Download new Windows software under Security

Easy Backup for Outlook Express icon
Save, move and recover all your Outlook Express data
MySecurityVault icon
Remember your passwords
History Killer icon
Use your PC without leaving any traces of your activity
Parental Filter icon
Avoid your children to access adult content sites
Pixel Cryptor icon
Protect your files using digital images
GPW icon
Windows Live OneCare icon
The ultimate protection software from Microsoft
ZHider icon
Don't let them catch you browsing!
URI Crypter icon
Generate HTML code to encrypt your email address
EMOS icon
Hide your IP for safer browsing
Anti Hijacker icon
Avoid hijackersby blocking your IE homepage
LetEncrypt icon
Protect your data with passwords
Kidz Protection icon
Block access to any website you want
Whats On My Computer icon
Identfy andobtain information about your programs
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