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Download management software for Windows for free

Gestion de Alquileres icon
Rental management and billing
Contabilidad Domestica icon
Manage your family finances like a pro
Caja Basica icon
Have complete control of your current accounts
Adsense Notifier for Firefox icon
Keep an eye on your adsense acount from firefox
jGnash icon
Keep track of your home finances
Klok icon
Optimize your time and plan your projects via Adobe AIR
Pimero icon
Advanced organizer for your personal information
FusionDesk icon
Effectively organize how you and your work group spend your time
MyCar-Monitor icon
Control all things having to do with your car
Ultra Recall icon
Collect and organize all the digital information that you use
Buddi icon
Personal budgeting for those of us who aren't good with finances
LiberOne icon
Efficient library management and maintenance