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Discover the most downloaded Internet software under Windows

FlickrSync icon
Photo synchronization app for Flickr
WebAllow icon
Limit Internet access, with custom exceptions
WebRipper icon
Save text and images from any website onto your PC
AddInternet Buscar Dominio icon
Find information on a web domain
Abyss Web Server X1 icon
A lightweight but powerful web server
FlashMute icon
Mute the audio of any Flash movie
Keywords Generator icon
Generate keywords to make your website easy to find
Macromedia Flash Player para Mozilla icon
Play flash animations on your computer
WebZip icon
Download any webpage and save it in a ZIP file
APE icon
Control the internet content on your computer
Answers Add-on icon
Access Answers right from any website
TubeMe icon
Enjoy youtube videos when offline
Tube Grab icon
Download any video from youtube
SEO PowerSuite icon
Learn how to better position your website
WebSite Auditor icon
Optimize your website performance
Open Validator icon
Make sure your webpages look good in other browsers
LinkAssistant icon
Quickly improve your link exchanges
RhinOS icon
Create and manage your website
Roden Web Editor icon
Easily create professional-quality websites
DomainHostingView icon
Gather all of the information you need about a certain domain
MiPiTo icon
Do pings and see the results on a graph
WebSiteSniffer icon
Extract the entire content of a website automatically
PG Dating icon
Create and customize your own dating site
FCorp - Link Manager icon
Mange your links conveniently
ApexDC++ icon
Share your files by accessing chatrooms
DC++ icon
Filesharing in hubs and communities
PPStream icon
P2P TV arrives to your computer
Piolet icon
Share and download music regardless of your connection
Windows Live Sync icon
Sync and share files with Windows and Mac users
Joodo icon
New P2P solution to share files with friends
Metacafe icon
Access to a community full of videos and games
eDonkey 2000 GUI icon
Share and dowload files with millions of people
Videora icon
Search and download all your favourite movies
PeerBlock icon
Block other computers from accessing your own
See more