Five Nights at Freddy's 4 is the fourth and final installment on this incredibly popular horror saga that has been scaring people on Windows and...
12.4 M downloads
With LDPlayer you can easily run Android games on your PC. This installer allows you to download the emulator together with Granny, adapting the controls...
719.9 k downloads
The GameLoop tool from the Tencent studio lets you run Android games on PC. This installer downloads its own emulator along with Granny: Chapter Two...
338.9 k downloads
Eyes: The Horror Game is a first-person horror game that presents the player with a very simple objective: you need to enter a building in...
1.5 M downloads
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning is a first-person horror game inspired by educational games from the 1990s where you walk through a school while...
433.7 k downloads
Cry of Fear is a total conversion of the original Half Life, which doesn´t use any files from either game. Using and old and out...
213.4 k downloads
P.T. for PC is a project whose aim is to translate the terrifying experience playable in the original P.T.—which appeared exclusively on Playstation 4 and...
154 k downloads
Dreadout is a psychological horror game in the same vein as the popular franchise Fatal Frame, in which you join a group of Asian students...
211.2 k downloads
Identity V is an asymmetric horror game in proper Dead by Daylight style where four players are trying to survive the attacks of one other...
306.9 k downloads
SCP - Containment Breach is a terrifying first-person adventure where the player controls a test subject trapped inside a lab full of paranormal creatures. What...
610.6 k downloads