Create and distribute your CV automatically
Everything on hand, just click on the tray
Free password generator
New, free Basic compiler for Windows
All the information about your PC in one window
Synchronize your system time with atomic servers
A powerful converter for measurements and money
Another, more interesting clock for your PC?
Generate keys, delete temporary folders, analyze your PC...
Combine the functions of your scanner and printer
Create and organize direct accesses for your USB memory
Manage your time with this inverse chronometer with alarm
Know at any moment your notebook’s battery status
Customize your iPod with this phenomenal program
Change the screen resolution in just one click
Screensaver, backgrounds, calendars and videos featuring your pictures
Download songs and lyrics for your iPod
A strange application that simulates a never-ending progress bar
Send your files wherever you want
Easily sync your multimedia files with your PSP
Use voice commands to carry out several tasks