Would you like to have the lyrics of your favourite songs
Listen to more than 5000 online radio stations
Hundreds of radio stations in one click
Add a picture to the id3 tags of your mp3 files
The simplest way to modify your MP3 data
Easily rip your audio Cds and search for their info
Use your PC like a digital jukebox
Easily generate your podcast in seconds
Give color and movement to your audio files
Make your PC say whatever you need it to say
A metronome for your PC
Good karaoke app which supports multiformat
Find missing artwork for albums in iTunes
Convert yourself into a professional DJ
Let your friends listen to your favorite music
Extract sounds from your videos and save them as MP3 or WAV
Transform your computer in a complete piano
Manage your entire music collection on your PC
Program the duration and volume of the sound on your PC
Lock the volume of your PC
Full-featured audio editor for your audio tracks
Direct music downloads