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Download utilities software for Windows for free

Robomail icon
Send messages to customers without using ISP server
Easy2Sync for Outlook icon
Synchronize your Outlook in several computers
123 Outlook Express Backup icon
Create a full backup of your Outlook database
Mail Checker icon
Check your mail content before downloading them
Revolver Mail icon
Combine email client, agenda and calendar
Outlook Attachments Extractor Pro icon
Download all the attachments from an Outlook email
GetMail icon
Send all your hotmail mails to other account
Mailing List Deluxe icon
Send out custom mass mailings to your customers
Amic Email Backup icon
Create and program backup copies of your emails
Mailinfo icon
Make sure that your messages arrive and are read
StripMail icon
Delete the text markings from forwarded emails
Lightning icon
Install the Sunbird calendar on Thunderbird
Live Email Verifier icon
Check the mails included in your contact list
Advanced Emailer icon
Create, organize, and send email subscriptions
Mail Resender icon
Easy migration between Gmail and Yahoo mail accounts
DeskTask icon
Display Outlook's agenda and calendar on your desktop
K-ML icon
Your new Mailing List software