Keep your list of email addresses updated and verified
Create a virtual drive by using your Gmail account
The most comprehensive way to manage your email
Create thumbnails for your videos
Recieve Instant Hotmail notifications
Search for things super fast in your email inbox
Much more than just another email manager
A revolutionary personal information manager
Notification of new Gmail e-mails on your desktop
Free full featured email client
Keep your inbox free of spam
Protect your PC, Spy Eraser will help you
The easy way to know if you receive an email to GMail
Check your Gmail inbox from desktop
Display Outlook's agenda and calendar on your desktop
Take control of your email
Enhance Outlook and make it better
Check your inbox without downloading the messages
A Gmail notifier for Windows 7
Easy migration between Gmail and Yahoo mail accounts
Use a SMTP server to send your emails
Set Outlook calendar on the desktop
Backup your MSN winks and emoticons
Fast and effective management of your IMAP mail accounts
Download mails from most famous webmail services
Create backups of Gmail accounts
Check the mails included in your contact list
Create a backup of Outlook Express data
Meebo becomes an IM desktop client
Control your Gmail account from your Mozilla
Server for your POP3 mail account for free
Appealing mail user agent with tab feature
It's time to have a copy of your inbox
Check how you can be spamfree
Chat client using Bluetooth for PC, PDA and cellphones
Email notifier with screensaver