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Download new Windows software under Business

PPT2DVD icon
Watch your PPT presentations on TV
MasAdmin icon
Manage sales for your business
Bills of exchange icon
Application for bills of exchange
GestionPYME icon
Comprehensive business management
Toolilla icon
A workspace for everything you need
FreeXit icon
Keep a detailed list of all the food in your fridge
SGGan icon
A comprehensive livestock management system
Slideshow Creator icon
Create lovely slideshows with dozens of effects
Advanced ID Creator Personal icon
Create smart-looking personal ID cards and badges
Bulmages icon
Maximize your administrative duties and improve your time management
Shopping Companion icon
Your definitive shopping companion
Easy Timesheets icon
Manage your and your employees' time
Job Search Toolbox icon
The easiest way to find work
Microinvest Warehouse Pro icon
A management system for your business within arms reach
Company Logo Designer icon
Design your stylish logo just clicking it
Abykus icon
Create and edit spreadsheets
Chartz icon
Create all kind of charts in a snap
PrismCubed icon
An innovative approach to business intelligence for SMEs
EasyBarcoDeLabelPro icon
Create labels with barcodes for your business
NySWin icon
A program for managing payrolls for individuals or companies
Momindum Studio icon
Create, edit and enrich media presentations
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