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Download anti-spam software for Windows for free

WebLinkCSI icon
Protect yourself against dangerous e-mails
SpamSit icon
Get rid of spam once and for all
Junkanoo icon
Stop junk mail in its tracks before it makes it to your inbox
Spy Eraser icon
Protect your PC, Spy Eraser will help you
K9 icon
MetaLogic Bulk Email Validator icon
Bulk Email Validator is a simple tool for excluding fake emails
My Ad Blocker icon
Block annoying ads on the Internet
Cloudmark DesktopOne icon
Protect your inbox against spam and other unwanted mails
Spam Experts Home icon
Check how you can be spamfree
Control Correo Pro icon
Spam control for your E-Mail
eMail Previewer icon
Preview your email and eliminate spam and viruses
ActionMail icon
Keep your inbox empty and filter out spam
Blue Frog icon
Keep SPAM away from your e-mail adress
10-Strike Junk Mail Remover icon
Find and delete unwanted emails without downloading them
SpamPal icon
Mantain spam far away from your e-mail account
SpamAware icon
A new Spam fighter for Outlook
Spam Bully icon
Powerful antispam plugin for Outlook Express
Spamihilator icon
Powerful anti-spam filter for your e-mail
Agnitum Spam Terrier icon
Keep your inbox from filling up with junk mail
SPAMfighter icon
Keep SPAM away from your Outlook inbox