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Discover the most downloaded Utilities software under Mac

EaseMon icon
Monitor browsing, chats, and Internet usage on any Mac
Focus Booster icon
Follow Pomodoro's popular work technique
321Soft Data Recovery icon
Recover any files that were deleted from your hard drive by mistake
321Soft iPhone Data Recovery icon
Rescue data from iOS, iPhone, iPad on Mac
AppleXsoft Mac File Recovery icon
Restore any accidentally deleted files
Type icon
Create your own fonts or customize the ones you already know
Launchy icon
Launch any application just by typing its name
iPhone Backup Extractor icon
Recover all damaged information from your iPhone
Any Keylogger icon
Keep track of all activity on your Mac
4shared Desktop icon
Upload hundreds of files to 4share in the blink of an eye
AppRemover icon
Uninstall any app completely without risks
MegaCloud icon
Store your files in the cloud with plenty of free space
Screenhero icon
Share your desktop with other users without it slowing down
Filedrop icon
Share files between computers connected to the same network
Able2Extract icon
Transform PDF files to Office documents
Spotflux icon
Mask your IP and protect your web anonymity
SnapPea icon
Manage your Android from your Mac
Norton Internet Security icon
The best tool for fighting viruses
AutoKrypt icon
Data encryption system with advanced options
PicsAid icon
Move your iPhone pics to your computer in just a minute
CrossLoop icon
Share your desktop remotely with another user
TimeTracker icon
Monitor information about active windows
Guarded Key icon
Store your passwords and access your webpages with a click
Silverlock icon
Password manager for all your needs
DVD Audio Extractor icon
Extract the audio file from a DVD
Moxier Wallet icon
Manage passwords, important data and much more
Synergy icon
Control different computer using only one mouse and keyboard
Vitamin D icon
Intelligent recognition system for webcams
NOD32 Antivirus icon
Fast and effective virus detection
DVDSmith Movie Backup icon
Easily copy any movie DVD to hard drive
OptimUSB icon
Optimize your USB devices
HomePipe icon
Sychronize all your computers that are connected to the internet.
Automize icon
Automize and program tasks on your computer
File List icon
Must have file renamer
Psst icon
Adjust the startup sound volume
Quicksilver icon
Accelerate the work you do on your Mac
MenuMeters icon
System performance data on your task bar
iRedLite icon
Control any program through AppleRemote
Salling Clicker icon
Control your Mac from a mobile device with Bluetooth
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