A system launcher from Oppo
The official Samsung community app
Customize your Samsung smartphone's lock screen
View all types of content on Android Auto
Test your Android's performance
Find out if your Xiaomi device will receive an update to HyperOS
A powerful VPN for fast and secure browsing
Dictate messages or transcribe in real time
Top up and control your bills
Install split APKs without Google Play
The most comfortable way to write on your Android
The official Samsung phone call app
The ultimate browser for gamers
Unlock Mobile Legends skins
Fast and easy unlimited file sharing
Official Google APK and Package Installer
Easily transfer files from your old phone to your new Xiaomi device
Improve the buttons on your Android device
A package installer for Xiaomi smartphones
Manage your app permissions
A fast and lightweight browser
Extra options for MTK phones
Customize your keyboard on Samsung devices
Custom adjustment of HTTP headers
Manager that assists you with active downloads
Instant installation of Google Play apps
Download files and visit websites on your Android TV
Boot from ISO and IMG files on your smartphone
Two accounts, one app using a single smartphone
An on-screen console controller for playing hundreds of games
Transfer information to your new OnePlus device
Browse the Internet securely
Secure app to update Android devices to Android 15 Beta
Unlock 90 FPS and upgrade your gaming experience
Tighten up your PUBG graphics
Clean your Android device
Protect your privacy online
Enhance game control and reduce lags for smoother performance
Activate your device's touch button bar
The Samsung device calendar
Install the latest available version of your firmware
Customize your game's shoot button for enhanced control and precision
A lightweight multilingual keyboard for Android
Restore your smartphone to factory settings