List the contacts on the SIM card
Find the nearest beauty salon in Japan
All the magic of Post-its without wasting any paper
Edit your PDF with tons of tools
Read your daily horoscope with this app
Express your mood with the help of the moon
Restart your device automatically every day
A viewer for opening documents on your smartphone
View and edit your files
A simple notepad for jotting things down
A powerful flashlight to guide your steps
Manage and hide your apps and personal things
An agenda available right on your screen
An app that combines a flashlight and a clock
Fast and complete call management
Link gestures to program app functions on your smartphone or tablet
Vector drawing app with precision editing and intuitive interface
Hit the road as a taxi driver, looking for clients
Create amazing presentations with this app
Scan documents directly from your smartphone
A virtual ruler for measuring things
Sync with Google to get your to-do list on your smartphone
Translate English to Marathi script efficiently
All-in-one business call, text, and video communication app
Scan and assess chemicals in goods for a healthier lifestyle
Run your business like a pro with this management app
All the most important days in Islam
Explore architectural designs in an interactive way
Keep all your personal documents on you
Receive notifications on the lock screen of your Android
Share files wirelessly with this tool
Effortless mobile printing with Xerox compatibility
Manage all of your email accounts on the same website
Manage your expenses and stick to your budget
Search for and find the job for you with Trovit
Wireless printing and scanning from your android device
Convert images to excel with high accuracy and easy usability
Ai-powered app for writing, translation, and problem-solving
Event planning app with schedules and venue navigation
Find reliable experts for affordable apartment renovations