Private messaging across the world
The most efficient and secure communication app
Enjoy safe and secure messaging video and audio calls, text and chats
A friendly chatbot
SAYSY is Hamotte's messaging application, it has more than 300 free
Safe automatic forwarding your SMS and Calls.
Advanced messaging with privacy and customization tools
Send free messages to any mobile
Send text messages without paying a cent
Calls and messages, free
Send Christmas cards in a second
More options for WhatsApp
Communicate with your friends for free
A much more fun way of communicating
A different way to chat with friends
Send and receive messages for free
Send custom, free SMS with attached files
Find the best events in your city
Paint, color and send drawings via Whatsapp
Safe and fun instant messaging
Another instant messaging option
Make virtual sketches on your smartphone or tablet
Find the most amazing places around you
Instant messaging from the BitTorrent team
Add a sound clip of the moment to your snapshots
An excellent alternative to Facebook Messenger
Chat with people all around the world in real time
The socially responsible instant messaging system
A social network for fitness to help you stay in shape
Tend to your patients and help them see better
Access content from tons of media outlets from India
Measure the volume of everything around you
Compare prices in any store
Communicate with your work colleagues
Use one single app to communicate with your family and close friends
Your messages in cubes for all the world to see
Collect gems and break them into a million pieces
Install this Middle Eastern messaging service
Make group calls and talk with your friends
Figure out who's calling before you pick up
Simultaneous chat and video streaming
Send messages without paying a cent!
An incredible instant messenger for chatting with your peeps
Transform your Android device into a walkie-talkie