Chat with the AI and choose your characters
Send free messages to all your contacts
Telegram-based messaging tool
PlayStation's IM client
Yahoo's instant messenger app
A powerful email client for managing all your accounts
A light version of Instagram
All you need in an Android email client
Steam's own official chat app
Manage all your email accounts from the same app
A private and secure messaging tool
Quick searches on your Xiaomi smartphone
Send animated messages to your contacts
Alternative Telegram client
Much more than a simple walkie-talkie
Connect to this client with your smartphone
Send messages to any numbers that are not saved in your Contacts
A simple and function mail client
Send and receive text messages on your computer
Call any telephone for less
Share and discover secrets anonymously
Send 10000 texts in a row with Text Bomber App
Chat with all kinds of people
A Signal Private Messenger clone
Meet people from around the world in chat rooms with various topics
Make phone calls with Hangouts
A lightweight app for using Facebook quickly and comfortably
An improved version of the famous Telegram with many more options
Manage all your email accounts from one place
IM for everyone
Vibrations that correspond to the messages you receive
Connect to a video call with your friends
Much more than just an email client
Share videos with your friends
A messaging app where privacy is key
Improve team productivity by communicating with this efficient app
Generate temporary email accounts for your web records
An unofficial messaging app that uses Telegram API
Stay always connected to your e-mail
Light version of Yahoo client mail
The best substitute for your messaging application
Another instant messaging option
All your conversations in convenient bubbles