Follow the famous Asian boy band EXO
People who do birdwatching in Brazil will love this app
Get to know yourself better
The official Partido Popular app
The best games for drinking with friends
After Paul the Octopus comes... the Magic Shell!
Babies can create fun songs with these drums
Retouch your photos to make crazy faces
Stick some Ethiopian radio stations into your pocket
Enjoy great music wherever you go
Learn the secrets of a good kiss
Learn how to educate your kid at every stage
These artistic effects will make your jaw drop
This Siberian Husky puppy wants to play with you all day long
Enjoy the Dutch channel Ziggo TV from your mobile device
Don't miss out on all the TV Optimum has to offer
I see dead people ... on my Android
My smartphone is full of ants!
Dirty jokes and other things
George the Giraffe has something to tell you...
These bikini-clad women are waiting for you
Ask this magic ball about your future
Make fake calls and prank your friends
A simulator so you can try out an AK-74
Diverse amusing ringtones for alarm and notification personalization
Discover endless possibilities for your sex life
Scare the pants off your nearest and dearest
This girl tells you her life story on your screen
The most appropriate YouTube videos for your children
The king of the savannah shows you his easy-going side
Prank friends with AR-based fake ultrasound images
Learn how to shoot with all different types of guns
Choose whatever you want to watch whenever with Ingress Brasil
Easter eggs for your GO Keyboard
Did you just make a fart sound?
Pretty wallpapers that incorporate personal photographs
Send funny Minions to your contacts
Get free MP3 music
A storm is looming in the background of your screen!
WW1 strategy game with armies, buildings, and intense player battles
Learn new trivia daily with this fact-sharing educational app
Sounds from various species of frog on this app
Local TV channels from Sri Lanka
Information, objects, statistics, and much more for World of Warcraft
Play a wind instrument by blowing on the screen of your mobile device
A powerful flashlight for your Android mobile device
Practice reading palms from your mobile device