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Download new Windows software under Photo & Design

Clickcharts Pro icon
Create complex diagrams in the most efficient way
AmanVPN Windows icon
Connect securely and quickly to the Internet
Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder icon
Find duplicate photos on your hard drive
Gadwin PrintScreen icon
The most complete image capturing tool
Freeware Kids Birthday Invitation Maker icon
Create kids birthday cards
AVCLabs Photo Enhancer AI icon
Improve the quality of your photos automatically
Luminance HDR icon
An easy way to work with HDR images
Logo Maker icon
Create logos in a matter of seconds
Coolnew PDF icon
An all-in-one experience to awesomize your PDF experience
FastPictureViewer icon
Great viewer for your collection of images
Able Photo Resizer icon
Resize images by the batch and embed them on your website
Photo Editor icon
The easiest way to touch up your digital photos
Framing Studio icon
Decorate your pictures with attractive frames
CameraBag Photo icon
Add professional effects to your photos in seconds
Pivot Animator icon
Create stick figures in a matter of seconds
Coohom Floor Planner & Rendering icon
Powerful software focused on interior design
Photopus Pro icon
Edit images in bulk with this powerful app
Photopus icon
Batch edit images without any problems at all
Zarage PDF to JPG Converter icon
Transform PDF documents to JPGs
Yasisoft GIF Animator icon
Quickly and easily create detailed GIF animations
Hofmann Digital Album icon
Design your photo album and get it online
Phototheca icon
An easy and efficient way to manage all your saved pictures
MeshMixer icon
Create 3D objects without too much hassle
pCon.planner icon
Create and plan 3D interiors
Webp Converter icon
Convert PNG/JPG/SVG/BMP to WebP
ExifCleaner icon
Remove all the information from a digital picture
XnSketch icon
Edit your photos and transform them into drawings and paintings
MakeHuman icon
Create your own 3D human models
merge icon
Merge various images into one document
Picture Viewer icon
Visualize all of the different types of images on your hard drive
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